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$31.5 Million Awarded for NYS P-TECH

Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced $31.5 million in funding for the New York State Pathways in Technology Early College High School (NYS P-TECH) Program, which will prepare thousands of New York students for high-skill jobs of the future in technology, manufacturing, health care, and finance.

Hochul stated, “This program will help ensure thousands of New York students can reach their full potential and gives employers access to a large pool of talent that can bring their enterprises to the next level. Early workforce development and career mentorship allows students to discover their passions and talents, develop their skills and build relationships with mentors who can guide them on their career journey and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.” 

NYS P-TECH incorporates an integrated program, which combines high school, college, and career training. The program is a public-private partnership designed to provide students with mentorship and opportunities to gain experience through worksite visits, speakers, and internships. The investment funds regional partnerships that respond to the greatest need for enhanced access to post-secondary opportunities, primarily for academically and economically at-risk students, and works to strengthen the pipeline between local talent and industries with a favorable job outlook. Each partnership includes K-12, higher education, and business/employer partners.

Students are eligible to receive an Associate degree in a high-tech field and are first in line for a job with participating business partners following completion of the program. Through these programs of study in high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand career areas, students will be able to earn transcript college credit toward an Associate degree. Career pathways begin in grade nine and include workplace learning and high school and college coursework. The pathway provides a seamless sequence of study extending through two years of postsecondary career and technical education, which culminates in an Associate degree.

Local P-TECH Program awardees include:   

• Brewster CSD - $2,564,586 in partnership with SUNY Westchester Community College and the Brewster Chamber of Commerce

• Dutchess BOCES - $2,950,000 in partnership with SUNY Dutchess Community College and The Council of Industry

• Peekskill CSD - $2,700,000 in partnership with SUNY Westchester Community College, Open Door Family Medical Center, Peekskill Volunteer Ambulance Corps., Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps., and Sun River Health

• Yonkers CSD - $2,700,000 in partnership with SUNY Westchester Community College, Computer Corporate Solutions, Groundwork Hudson Valley Incorporated, and the Department of Information Technology for the City of Yonkers

Funding was also awarded to school districts in Schenectady, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, and Madison-Oneida BOCES. Additionally, public schools in New York City received funding – High School for Innovation in Advertising & Media, Urban Assembly for Emergency Management, and Urban Assembly New York Harbor School.

Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, “This funding will further support 21st century learning and beyond by strengthening partnerships with high schools, colleges, and career development opportunities.” 

New York State Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa said, “The P-TECH Program supports our efforts to advance educational equity by providing students with the opportunity to graduate high school with the skills and knowledge they need for careers in STEM and to earn college credits at no cost.” 

CUNY Chancellor Felix Matos Rodriguez said, “CUNY is proud to have helped originate New York State’s P-TECH Program, which puts high school students on an uninterrupted pathway to an Associate degree and a sustainable career in a high-demand field.”

SUNY Board of Trustees Member Stan Litow said, “Data shows that those entering the workforce with a college degree earn more than a million dollars in lifetime earnings compared to those with only a high school diploma. P-TECH’s success is clear.” 

SUNY Chancellor John B. King, Jr. said, “ I was able to see firsthand the impact of preparing students for degrees and jobs in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, cybersecurity, and IT—fields that lead to well paying, in-demand careers. I applaud Governor Kathy Hochul for investing in our future generation’s success.”  

There are over 300 P-TECH schools following the New York State model in 28 countries and 13 states across the U.S.A. For more information about P-TECH, visit:

By A. Kelli Higgs, Esq.



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