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Governor Kathy Hochul to Appoint Senator Brian Benjamin to the Office of Lieutenant Governor

Dear Colleeagues:

We now know there’s been a transition of power, the resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the swearing in of Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul as the 57th Governor of the state of New York. As of last evening, Governor Hochul informed us she was appointing Senator Brian Benjamin to the office of Lieutenant Governor. As you know we’ve worked closely with Senator Benjamin on several criminal justice reform bills. He also was on our panel at our 2019 State Convention in White Plains, NY. He is a hard working elected official, who cares about our communities, and I’m sure he will do a great job in helping our Governor to continue to move New York Forward. Let’s remember both of them in our prayers as they take on the many challenges that face us as New Yorkers and the Country. Anyone who works in state government, or has worked in state government, and know of issues that affect African Americans and other minorities in government please forward the information to me so when I meet with the Governor I can present some facts.

Continue to stay safe, practice social distancing, and wear your masks. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Hazel Dukes

Chair, NYS Conference of NAACP Branches



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