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MWBE’s in GreenTech: New Frontiers, New Opportunities, New Challenges

At this time when we are focused on environmental sustainability and natural resources,

OWARECO, LLC, based in Westchester County since 2013, focuses on providing new approaches and strategies to meet the challenges of waste on our environment by leveraging advanced technologies and research. OWARECO is pursuing its mission of reimagining waste through the introduction of innovations in materials management at the local level and its potential educational, social, environmental and economic impact of transforming communities across the United States.

The product, Ecovim technology, has proven to reduce food and organic waste by as much as 90% in volume through the use of mechanical agitation and convection heat (dehydration). The systems do not require the use of water resources, chemicals, additives, microbes, plumbing or venting. The units are essentially “plug and play” requiring only a power source and drain for liquid condensate. The by-products, dry biomass have beneficial uses, such as amendment in a composting process, soil conditioner, animal feed production (chickens and fish), irrigation, as well as biofuel production.

In 2016 OWARECO was one of only two companies in New York State awarded a research grant with the Rochester Institute of Technology Golisano Institute for Sustainability via the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2i) to research the effectiveness and potential applications of on-site waste reduction systems. Over the past decade OWARECO has continued its collaborative research in on-site materials management systems with prominent U.S. and international research institutions.

In 2018 OWARECO embarked upon another collaborative research study with the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies Marine Research Center on Santa Catalina Island to assist with the mitigation and upcycling of food waste to resources. The research culminated with the adoption of the Ecovim system as part of a campus wide food waste biotechnology research and recycling program.

In 2019 OWARECO was invited as a participant in the Rochester Institute of Technology’s “Urban food waste solutions from farm to fork: conference for advancing sustainable urban food systems” (SUS) research network sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

In 2020 OWARECO assisted in the writing of the First Inaugural Black Paper to the Biden Administration presented by the Black Government Contracting Club entitled,”Black Environmental Leadership for Green Solutions”.

In 2021 the technology was ranked in the top ten food waste solutions by Food and Beverage Technology magazine in California. OWARECO became one of the collaborative business partners affiliated with American University Multiscale RECIPES Research Group for Sustainable Food Systems funded by the National Science Foundation consisting of over fourteen colleges and universities across the United States.

Since 2021 OWARECO has been involved with the Environmental Leaders of Color (ELOC) a Mount Vernon based not for profit focused on exposing young students in marginalized communities to innovations and careers related to STEM. Most recently OWARECO received the support of Congressman Jamaal Bowman of the 16th District of New York in pursuit of funding through the United States Department of Agriculture for urban agriculture and innovation pilot programs in the U.S. Territories.

Alexander says,

“For front line, urban and rural communities, the exposure to new technologies will serve as an introduction to broader educational options and pathways to employment opportunities in STEM related careers”.

Mr. Alexander’s view

“It is imperative for us to introduce and involve local communities with new innovations as it can address the social determinants of health and resolve a myriad of environmental challenges we face both locally and globally. Scientific and technological approaches to climate change implemented locally will assist us in moving away from linear and extractive practices to circular and regenerative practices that will be more economically equitable, diverse and inclusive for all citizens.”

Over the past decade the Ecovim technology has been adopted by educational institutions, healthcare facilities, hotel chains, conference centers, research institutions, casinos, and military installations across the United States and abroad. OWARECO is focused on establishing collaborations and developing practices to upcycle organic excess in ways that support regeneration and growth while maintaining pace with changing needs and population demands.

OWARECO continues to build upon its relationships in the U.S. and abroad seeking new partnerships where there is will, like-mindedness and focus on a sustainable future and uses of technology to accelerate the movement back to basics.

Myron Alexander, Westchester resident and founder of OWARECO (Organic Waste Reduction and Conversion), is extremely passionate and committed to the company’s vision where each person, community and nation is educated, committed and proactively engaged in sustainable and socially responsible practices to restore and preserve our environment and natural resources. You can learn more about OWARECO at or contact Mr. Alexander at



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